Every day our voices are being slowly silenced, our constitution is being attacked and our moral beliefs are being tossed aside for the new ways of the new society.
Some may ask, who does this guy think he is?
What makes this guy such an expert on Socialism?
I was born in Habana, Cuba in October of 1952. We lived in a two bedroom apartment alongside my twin brother, mother and father in Old Habana just a couple of blocks from "El Malecon" (The famous sea wall along the outskirts of the city).
We were considered a normal middle class family with modest means. We had a very close family unit with lots of good friends with plenty of good times, everything was great until....................a very charismatic and impressive young man appeared on the scene, this Messiah, this GREAT leader, THE ONE, this person who offered Hope and Change (Hmmmm). He who appeared to have all the answers to every question ever asked and more.
So on Jan.1,1959, this bearded leader and his triumphant liberators paraded into the streets of Habana lifting the hopes of many who believed in this seemingly great man.
That was a very bloody year, the kangaroo courts were continuous, brutal and without any mercy, they were also on television where every day you could see person after person appear in this farce also called a court of law.
I will never forget it as the condemned were dragged into the courts with the crowds drooling with hate and screaming at the top of their lungs in complete and delirious devilish harmony the words "PAREDON! PAREDON! PAREDON! PAREDON!" (firing squad) begging for blood, dooming many before they had any chance to defend themselves........ of course most of them were found guilty and shot minutes later.
Fidel Castro then proceeded to take all of the people's weapons in the pretense that he would take care of all of us, he told us that only bad people had arms of death............. and yes, he took all of our fire-arms and left us defenseless (You ever wonder why Castro has lasted so long?)
I still remember the talks our parents had with us about not talking to ANYONE, for we could innocently tell of our parents disgust with the dammed Revolution. The fear of being dragged in those trials was enough of a torture for a 8 year old little boy.
Eventually we were pulled out of school because the communist indoctrinations started. All teachers taught and demanded that your love and loyalty always began with Fidel, El Che and the Revolution.
Within a year in power, Castro started to take our freedoms away as he started his Socialist experiment on an unsuspecting and desperate country by nationalizing all industries in Cuba.
The government (Fidel) owned everything! Oh yes, even your home and your children.
Every neighborhood had a committee headed by loyal Castro supporters known by the oppressed as chivatos (rats) that would inform on their neighbors if they even suspected that you were against Fidel and his Revolution.
Our families were split apart by ideologies, some were with the Revolution and the rest of us were not. Kaos ruled our daily lives so much that we could not even trust our closest friends. However.......... this never-ending and agonizing nightmare would not last forever.
On September 3, 1961 our Mother told my twin brother and I (to our surprise) that on that same day we were going to America to see our beloved father. (Who left a few months before to get a job and an apartment for us when we got there.)

I remember getting on that old Pan Am twin engine propeller plane and leaving the land of my birth and half of my beloved family to never see them again.
I'll never forget those words as long as I live, and it is for that reason that I will continue to fight against this Socialist onslaught that is dooming our society today.
It is up to us who came from Socialist dictatorships to lead the revolt against the evil that is contaminating America before it is too late. We know who these people are and how they are trying to achieve their goals.
All immigrants from Nicaragua, Bolivia, El Salvador, Venezuela, Ecuador, and of course Cuba that have experienced the horrors of this system, have to re-double and lead the effort against this Socialist tidal wave that is destroying life as we know it.
We must be loud and we must be clear but most of all we must be heard. We must unmask these pretenders and expose them for what they really are, Radical Socialists who are dead set on changing America to their idealistic Socialist utopia.
Folks, we are in a desperate crossroad in this country's history and "We The People" are the last line of defense.
We must not fail to stop this blatant overthrow of our Constitutional freedoms and our precious way of life because............ the alternative is simply more of the same Cuban nightmare, how do I know? I was there.............
I was born in Habana, Cuba in October of 1952. We lived in a two bedroom apartment alongside my twin brother, mother and father in Old Habana just a couple of blocks from "El Malecon" (The famous sea wall along the outskirts of the city).
We were considered a normal middle class family with modest means. We had a very close family unit with lots of good friends with plenty of good times, everything was great until....................a very charismatic and impressive young man appeared on the scene, this Messiah, this GREAT leader, THE ONE, this person who offered Hope and Change (Hmmmm). He who appeared to have all the answers to every question ever asked and more.
So on Jan.1,1959, this bearded leader and his triumphant liberators paraded into the streets of Habana lifting the hopes of many who believed in this seemingly great man.
That was a very bloody year, the kangaroo courts were continuous, brutal and without any mercy, they were also on television where every day you could see person after person appear in this farce also called a court of law.
I will never forget it as the condemned were dragged into the courts with the crowds drooling with hate and screaming at the top of their lungs in complete and delirious devilish harmony the words "PAREDON! PAREDON! PAREDON! PAREDON!" (firing squad) begging for blood, dooming many before they had any chance to defend themselves........ of course most of them were found guilty and shot minutes later.
Fidel Castro then proceeded to take all of the people's weapons in the pretense that he would take care of all of us, he told us that only bad people had arms of death............. and yes, he took all of our fire-arms and left us defenseless (You ever wonder why Castro has lasted so long?)
I still remember the talks our parents had with us about not talking to ANYONE, for we could innocently tell of our parents disgust with the dammed Revolution. The fear of being dragged in those trials was enough of a torture for a 8 year old little boy.
I still remember the talks our parents had with us about not talking to ANYONE, for we could innocently tell of our parents disgust with the dammed Revolution. The fear of being dragged in those trials was enough of a torture for a 8 year old little boy.
Eventually we were pulled out of school because the communist indoctrinations started. All teachers taught and demanded that your love and loyalty always began with Fidel, El Che and the Revolution.
Within a year in power, Castro started to take our freedoms away as he started his Socialist experiment on an unsuspecting and desperate country by nationalizing all industries in Cuba.
The government (Fidel) owned everything! Oh yes, even your home and your children.
Every neighborhood had a committee headed by loyal Castro supporters known by the oppressed as chivatos (rats) that would inform on their neighbors if they even suspected that you were against Fidel and his Revolution.
The government (Fidel) owned everything! Oh yes, even your home and your children.
Every neighborhood had a committee headed by loyal Castro supporters known by the oppressed as chivatos (rats) that would inform on their neighbors if they even suspected that you were against Fidel and his Revolution.
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On September 3, 1961 our Mother told my twin brother and I (to our surprise) that on that same day we were going to America to see our beloved father. (Who left a few months before to get a job and an apartment for us when we got there.)
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I'll never forget those words as long as I live, and it is for that reason that I will continue to fight against this Socialist onslaught that is dooming our society today.
It is up to us who came from Socialist dictatorships to lead the revolt against the evil that is contaminating America before it is too late. We know who these people are and how they are trying to achieve their goals.
It is up to us who came from Socialist dictatorships to lead the revolt against the evil that is contaminating America before it is too late. We know who these people are and how they are trying to achieve their goals.
All immigrants from Nicaragua, Bolivia, El Salvador, Venezuela, Ecuador, and of course Cuba that have experienced the horrors of this system, have to re-double and lead the effort against this Socialist tidal wave that is destroying life as we know it.
We must be loud and we must be clear but most of all we must be heard. We must unmask these pretenders and expose them for what they really are, Radical Socialists who are dead set on changing America to their idealistic Socialist utopia.
Folks, we are in a desperate crossroad in this country's history and "We The People" are the last line of defense.
We must not fail to stop this blatant overthrow of our Constitutional freedoms and our precious way of life because............ the alternative is simply more of the same Cuban nightmare, how do I know? I was there.............
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