OK everybody, let's see a show of hands and raise them if you can identify a Liberal within the first minute of any conversation.
I like to think that I can smell a Liberal a mile away, and most of the time I wouldn't be too far from the truth. We all know the type, the snob in the office, the relative who hogs the
conversation, the uppity elite college boy, the all caring goody two shoe, the anti-establishment leach, the intellectual, the in your face gay activist, the anarchist, the pacifist, the progressive, the pro-abortion feminist, the atheist, the big mouth know it all, the hipster, the environmentalist and don't forget the always proud "friggin" socialist........... You see, they are never wrong and they know EVERYTHING!
conversation, the uppity elite college boy, the all caring goody two shoe, the anti-establishment leach, the intellectual, the in your face gay activist, the anarchist, the pacifist, the progressive, the pro-abortion feminist, the atheist, the big mouth know it all, the hipster, the environmentalist and don't forget the always proud "friggin" socialist........... You see, they are never wrong and they know EVERYTHING!
In order to advance their ideology, Liberals must find and identify an unsuspecting and unprepared subject. The good lefty will search you out and likely identify you as a slimy Right-Wing Conservative scumbag. The Liberal of course is always surrounded by a crowd of friendly Liberals ready to give each other a helping hand. So prepare for the disgusting Liberal onslaught! Hint........ Get out if you can, you don't stand a chance!
They will always gear their convoluted talking point with their sole intention to get you involved in their one sided discussion, you of course will be the target.
One by one, this group of brave Liberals will begin their attack, like vicious little vultures they will begin their avalanche of questions. They will ask and answer their own questions in loud and derisive tones. Every time you try to answer their questions, they will angrily cut you off with personal slurs and insults.
You see, the lib's only way to win any argument is to not let you get your point across, of course If you can't get your point across, you will always lose the argument........... and that, is how they plan to defeat you.
This is who they are Folks.
It gets worse my fellow Conservatives, many times you will be branded with a hurtful name meant to hurt, demoralize and demean you. They will use phrases like.... Fanatic, War Monger, Nazi (that's a good one), Right Wing nut job, Fascist pig, and don't forget the more popular "complete moron."
They will immediately begin to tell you in their "holier than thou" attitude that you are a total idiot who does not deserve to be in the same room that they are in. They are of course superior than you in every way.
They will always butt in and interrupt your private conversations with their always correct answers...... and they will never have a problem letting you know how wrong you are.
For example, your answer could be..... You are so right, President Obama had a campaign stop in Utah the next day to worry about, what's four American lives when more important matters are in the agenda. In other words, like Hillary Clinton would famously say "What difference does it make?"
Do they really know how stupid that makes them look?
They will also tell you that we are always unjustly picking on President Obama because he is a black man. The immediate response to that ridiculous statement is to want to hurt these imbeciles. But, we must be civil, try to control your anger if you feel you must slug the Lib.................. Remember, we are not like them, we are simply better than that!
The main reason we disagree with their Socialist Messiah and his far-left comrades is not only because he is a complete knucklehead and an incompetent president but because of his liberal policies that are crippling our nation. It's not because he is black!
We are not racists!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You see, In their ignorance and love for their ideological hero, their perception of reality is totally in denial. They will tell you with a straight face that "President Barack Hussein Obama can do no wrong, he has never failed or lied to us, NEVER! So don't ever dare say anything bad against this great man!"
Yeah right!!!!!
Let's not beat around the bush folks, these people have gladly become the useful idiots to these liberal thugs and tragically, history is repeating itself once again.

Just like the fanatics that gave rise to Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro and Mao Tse-Tung. These liberal zombies and their blind allegiance to their lord and master Barack Hussein Obama and his conspirators have us headed in the same direction. They have this incredible love for their liberal ideals that they have become a problematic danger to the health and future of this once great country.
You see, the lib's only way to win any argument is to not let you get your point across, of course If you can't get your point across, you will always lose the argument........... and that, is how they plan to defeat you.
This is who they are Folks.

They will immediately begin to tell you in their "holier than thou" attitude that you are a total idiot who does not deserve to be in the same room that they are in. They are of course superior than you in every way.
They will always butt in and interrupt your private conversations with their always correct answers...... and they will never have a problem letting you know how wrong you are.
They will always challenge you when they are many but will mysteriously stay silent and disappear when they are alone.
Why is that?
Why is that?
They can and will never admit when they are wrong because that would in all likeliness expose their whole argument.
I found that one of the best ways to deal with these people is to sarcastically agree with everything they tell you, as ludicrous as it may sound.
They will tell you to stop bringing up Benghazi, it's not Obama's fault!!!

Do they really know how stupid that makes them look?
They will also tell you that we are always unjustly picking on President Obama because he is a black man. The immediate response to that ridiculous statement is to want to hurt these imbeciles. But, we must be civil, try to control your anger if you feel you must slug the Lib.................. Remember, we are not like them, we are simply better than that!
The main reason we disagree with their Socialist Messiah and his far-left comrades is not only because he is a complete knucklehead and an incompetent president but because of his liberal policies that are crippling our nation. It's not because he is black!
We are not racists!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We could proudly blurt out the names of many prominent and successful Black Conservatives that I would vote for in a split second, like Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Herman Cain, Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Clarence Thomas, Jennifer Carroll, Arthur Davis, Tim Scott, Alan Keyes, Ken Blackwell, Walter E. Williams, Mia Love, and Lynn Swann to name a few...... But again, all of it will go in one ear and out the other, it just doesn't matter.

Yeah right!!!!!
We don't like Obama because he is black, we dislike the president and his cronies because he does not know what he is doing. To top that, his liberal policies are slowly destroying the fiber of what made this once great country successful.
Right off the top of my head, I can rattle off a long list of major mistakes the president and his liberal administration has made ........ like the Obama care nightmare, The Ukraine debacle, trusting Putin's Russia, Libya, Syria, alienating our closest ally in the Middle East, Israel, aiding The Muslim Brotherhood take power in Egypt, Fast and Furious, the billion dollar vacations, Solyndra, doing nothing on The Keystone Pipeline, the war on our right to bear arms, the promises of openness in his administration, The 18 TRILLION Dollar national debt, the millions of lost jobs, the U.S. credit downgrade, Obama's response to the gulf oil spill, Benghazi, and now incredibly, this man is breaking American law and is actually dealing with Terrorists!
That does not mean that he is doing a bad job............ Just ask Liberal Queen Hillary Clinton, she'll tell you that "it's a vast Right-Wing conspiracy!"
Right off the top of my head, I can rattle off a long list of major mistakes the president and his liberal administration has made ........ like the Obama care nightmare, The Ukraine debacle, trusting Putin's Russia, Libya, Syria, alienating our closest ally in the Middle East, Israel, aiding The Muslim Brotherhood take power in Egypt, Fast and Furious, the billion dollar vacations, Solyndra, doing nothing on The Keystone Pipeline, the war on our right to bear arms, the promises of openness in his administration, The 18 TRILLION Dollar national debt, the millions of lost jobs, the U.S. credit downgrade, Obama's response to the gulf oil spill, Benghazi, and now incredibly, this man is breaking American law and is actually dealing with Terrorists!
Knowing I am right 100% of the time dealing with these people frustrates the heck out of me every time I hear some of these ignoramuses make complete fools of themselves. The more you try to be civil and explain yourself, the more erratic they become. You might as well mumble whatever nonsense you want, for they will undoubtedly ignore every single word you say.
Let's not beat around the bush folks, these people have gladly become the useful idiots to these liberal thugs and tragically, history is repeating itself once again.

Just like the fanatics that gave rise to Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro and Mao Tse-Tung. These liberal zombies and their blind allegiance to their lord and master Barack Hussein Obama and his conspirators have us headed in the same direction. They have this incredible love for their liberal ideals that they have become a problematic danger to the health and future of this once great country.
Well, there you have it my friends, my definition of who and what a Liberal is.
Maybe it hasn't gotten this bad in your neighborhood just yet........ But please, as a favor to your children and this once great country, Please!!!!! Just be on the lookout O.K.? It is America were trying to save, isn't it?
Maybe it hasn't gotten this bad in your neighborhood just yet........ But please, as a favor to your children and this once great country, Please!!!!! Just be on the lookout O.K.? It is America were trying to save, isn't it?
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