Saturday, May 28, 2016


 Presumptive Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney has just announced to the many who downloaded his (free) V.P. I-phone application his selection of  Popular Wisconsin Congressman and House Budget Chairman  Paul Ryan as his Vice-Presidential running-mate and will announce his selection at 8:45 AM on the USS Wisconsin in Norfolk, Va.

 The first hint of Ryan being the one was when a Romney Charter plane flew to Janesville, Wis. (Ryan's Home Town) on Friday the 10th to add Rep. Ryan's name as the odds on favorite to be Romney's choice. 

 From the start Rep. Ryan, a Tea Party favorite and Republican rising star has been one of the prohibited favorites and rumored by many to be Governor Romney's choice to be his Vice-Presidential Running-Mate.
 After the many months of secrecy, Beth Myers, (head of Romney's V.P. search) along with Romney himself, have been auditioning on the campaign trail and selectively name dropping some great candidates along the line  like Gov. Chris Cristie, Sen. Rob Portman, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Sen. Marco Rubio, Fmr. Sec. of State Condoleza Rice, Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Sen. Kelly Ayotte, Gov. Susana Martinez, Gov. Jeb Bush, Gov. Nicky Haley, Gov. Bob McDonnell, Rep. Allen West and Sen. Jim Thune, the cat is finally out of the bag. It looks like important Party big-shots and masses of Ryan supporters made their views known and made them known  loud and clear.

 Like it or not, this is what is going to go against the Massive Obama (Chicago) Political machine. So strap yourselves in folks, it's going to be a doozy.........................

Paul Davis Ryan is the U.S. Representative for Wisconsin's 1st congressional district, serving since 1999. He is a member of the Republican Party, and has been ranked among the party's most influential voices on economic policy.Wikipedia
BornJanuary 29, 1970 (age 42), Janesville
OfficeRepresentative (R-WI 1st District) since 1999

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