Some of the younger first and second generation Cuban-Americans born in freedom are now voicing their support for establishing relations and ending the embargo on Communist Cuba. Some of them even take it to the next level and go as far as to insult and demean other more conservative Cuban-Americans for wanting some sort of justice for all the crimes perpetuated on the Cuban people by these organized killers.
But.............unfortunately, these people are beyond comprehension, they have fallen for the leftist propaganda that has been telling the world that the Castro brothers are really not that bad.
To make matters worse, they continue to tell anyone who will believe them that Cuba is bankrupt because of the embargo! Do they not realize that the rest of the world does business with these crooks? Apparently not.
They have no frigging clue, they can't understand why we, the older and wiser generation feel the way that we do.
How could anyone forget the reason of why we are all here?
Did they learn anything from their parents?
Why do they disgrace their memories?
Where is their Dignity and Honor? What shame!
Well my leftist well meaning friends, allow me to repeat myself, you either have parents that didn't teach you the meaning of right and wrong, are either too young to remember the lives that these killers destroyed, or simply are too young to have lived in that insane Communist hell hole.
In your incredible defense of lifting the embargo on Communist Cuba, you (anti-embargoists) will say that nothing has changed in 50 years, that the embargo has deprived the Cuban people of basic and precious living essentials. You now say that it is time to try something new, not even coming close to realizing how horrible it could have been in Cuba and our hemisphere without it.
They almost sound like those same people that yelled "PAREDON" (firing squad) in those rigged kangaroo courts. Yes, these are the same people who now see HOPE and CHANGE right here in the greatest country in the history of mankind, The United States of America.
There is no other explanation for their treason to freedom for our homeland. There is just no excuse for any Cuban that had their families raped, abused, divided or killed to support this evil and tyrannical regime......... not now, not ever!
We are here because we were fleeing persecution, slavery and death. Do the people that have suffered though these atrocities deserve some sort of justice? Aiding a criminal dictatorship is not only wrong but aids these mass murderers in glorifying and legitimizing their evil acts.
In my case I am a Conservative, I believe in God, The right to bear Arms, The U.S. Constitution and the rights of the unborn.
I believe in the RULE OF LAW and securing our Borders.
I support The Republican Party because I know them to be against all that you lefties believe and stand for. They are who we align ourselves with because they believe in the things that we do, not like the manufactured lies of your prophet, your Lord and Master Barrack Hussein Obama. It is not only about ideology and justice but about what's right and wrong.
Myself and most Cuban-Americans are going to continue to support the embargo and what it stands for and If that make us look antiquated, hard headed and unpopular in your eyes, then so be it................
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Castro brothers, Communist Cuba, Conservative, Cuba, Cuban-Americans, Hope and Change, Paredon, Republican Party

But.............unfortunately, these people are beyond comprehension, they have fallen for the leftist propaganda that has been telling the world that the Castro brothers are really not that bad.
To make matters worse, they continue to tell anyone who will believe them that Cuba is bankrupt because of the embargo! Do they not realize that the rest of the world does business with these crooks? Apparently not.
They have no frigging clue, they can't understand why we, the older and wiser generation feel the way that we do.
How could anyone forget the reason of why we are all here?
Did they learn anything from their parents?
Why do they disgrace their memories?
Where is their Dignity and Honor? What shame!
Well my leftist well meaning friends, allow me to repeat myself, you either have parents that didn't teach you the meaning of right and wrong, are either too young to remember the lives that these killers destroyed, or simply are too young to have lived in that insane Communist hell hole.
In your incredible defense of lifting the embargo on Communist Cuba, you (anti-embargoists) will say that nothing has changed in 50 years, that the embargo has deprived the Cuban people of basic and precious living essentials. You now say that it is time to try something new, not even coming close to realizing how horrible it could have been in Cuba and our hemisphere without it.

There is no other explanation for their treason to freedom for our homeland. There is just no excuse for any Cuban that had their families raped, abused, divided or killed to support this evil and tyrannical regime......... not now, not ever!
We are here because we were fleeing persecution, slavery and death. Do the people that have suffered though these atrocities deserve some sort of justice? Aiding a criminal dictatorship is not only wrong but aids these mass murderers in glorifying and legitimizing their evil acts.

I believe in the RULE OF LAW and securing our Borders.
I support The Republican Party because I know them to be against all that you lefties believe and stand for. They are who we align ourselves with because they believe in the things that we do, not like the manufactured lies of your prophet, your Lord and Master Barrack Hussein Obama. It is not only about ideology and justice but about what's right and wrong.
Myself and most Cuban-Americans are going to continue to support the embargo and what it stands for and If that make us look antiquated, hard headed and unpopular in your eyes, then so be it................
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Castro brothers, Communist Cuba, Conservative, Cuba, Cuban-Americans, Hope and Change, Paredon, Republican Party
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