What would ordinary good hearted people do if they came face to face with the images of Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot or Mao Tse-Tung (Zedong) on some idiot's t-shirt? Would they be vindictive, judgmental or maybe just a little pissed off at the people celebrating these Mass Murderers? Should we strive to be cool and better people, look the other way and allow these people to celebrate their heroes at our expense?
The real question is, what would you do? Extend your hands in friendship and tell the ignorant fanatic that his idol is forgiven and that everything is alright?
What would a Jew from Auschwitz
do if he came face to face with an idiot glorifying the people that murdered his family? How could any Jew forgive Adolf Hitler? Sometimes life throws us a vicious curve ball where everything becomes a living hell for millions around the world. Family members, friends and neighbors jailed or slaughtered simply because they didn't agree with their government's cruel tyranny. Yet these leaders are branded as heroes by many.
Some of these despots live long and luxurious lives at the expense of their defenseless and desperate people without ever getting even a smidgen of justice. It just isn't right!
Some one's murdering terrorist is another one's blazing hero? Al-Qaeda's own Osama Bin-Laden kills more than 3,000 innocent Americans and yet he is a hero to many. Would you forgive Bin-Laden? How would you respond to some idiot proudly parading with a picture your son's murderer on their T-Shirt?
The world we live in seems like it is in a loving and forgiving mood, as countess of people around the world are apparently developing a disease known as "liberal goody too shoes amnesia"...... and until some tragic event happens to you or your loved ones, then you will always be on the side of the people that will continue to let these atrocities continue.
My first reaction when I see those people wearing those hurtful t-shirts is to want to punch that person on the nose and lecture him on how cruel and bad that person was, but then I remember that this is America where everyone (citizen) has the right to be stupid.
Does this give anyone the right to be wrong, stupid or even cruel at any cost? Many law abiding Americans say yes, they also rightly say that many patriots of this great country died for that right of free expression. They will also tell you that it is OK to burn the American flag if they desire. But........................ isn't there an invisible and moral line that you just don't cross?

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