If I had all the money I ever needed, I would buy my Parents a great big house with many servants. I would give my wife and kids a life of leisure and wealth with a big house and a big yard with a gigantic pool. I would also love a big boat and a lot nice cars. But, here is reality in a nutshell........ I just don't have the money!
The cards were simply not dealt in my direction. I did not win the Lottery nor do I have a six figure salary. I just can't afford it, it's as simple as that.... But what the heck, I can still have all of those things, it's so easy! I'll just charge it on my credit card!
Unfortunately the temptation will always be there to do really good for myself and my family and with those wonderful credit cards, what ever we want we will get and this...... is where our problem lies.
What happens if you reach your credit limit and can't borrow anymore?
What happens if you lose your job and can't pay what you owe?
Folks, the simple answer is that if we can't pay our bills we will eventually go broke.
We need to act like responsible adults and make the mature decision to live within our means and not spend more than you make. Every family in America should, it's that simple........
But NOOOOO!!!!! Not our federal government! Our current budget deficit and National debt have very serious problems with devastating consequences that are just around the corner. We need to address this now or face an irreversible disaster.
This is no longer about politics of whether you are a Liberal, Moderate or a Conservative, this is about our survival as a nation and our precious way of life. We need to address the national debt head on or we are surely doomed to lose everything that we hold so dear.
Sometimes I wonder if there was ever any serious plan to balance the budget, both parties are responsible for this great boondoggle that we are in and must share in that responsibility of criminal mismanagement and neglect.
There should be no sacred cows, all government agencies have to face the test and show that they are indispensable, all of them!
Social Security:
There have been some ideas in regard to funding the future retirees and somewhere down the line we must change the present system in order to keep it afloat.
1) If you are rich (a millionaire) sorry, this is a national emergency.... you don't get any social security benefits, including Medicaid or Medicare.
2) Some are suggesting to raise the retirement age from age 62 to 67, Mitt Romney suggests seniors 65 and over that would like to continue to work would pay no F.I.C.A. taxes making it attractive for the elderly to continue to work if they desired.
3) Rep.Paul Ryan (R) would guarantee current levels of benefits for people ages 55 and over, but would change the rules for those younger than 55. They would funnel their Social Security money into a fund managed and guaranteed by the federal government. He also proposes tax credits to allow families to purchase insurance, and vouchers that would replace the current Medicare system.
4) We have a moral responsibility as a nation to repay all that will not reap the benefits and that have put their hard earned moneys into Social Security so we should put these owed funds into each individuals safe private retirement account (guaranteed by the U.S. government) insuring a retirement nest of some kind.
We have to not only cut the untouchable big three but we have to cut everywhere else including the un-monitored and sacred defense budget, we have no other choice. We could still have the best military in the world without having the blank check of overspending our precious money with billion dollar projects that simply do not work and it is time that we start dealing with it.
There are many other things we should and could do besides reforming Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, we should try to stimulate the economy by lowering taxes on the businesses that create the jobs, we must not raise taxes on anyone, including the rich (this would hurt job growth) during a recession, one of the other things that we must do is to close all loopholes that allows the many schemers and corporations that take advantage of the system and make them pay their fair share like the rest of us.
Did you know that General Electric paid no taxes?
Entitlements (pork) and the uncontrolled access to our money's are going to have to be a big part of the ultimate solution and like it or not we must deal with it, no more bridges to nowhere and please, no more $400.00 hammers!
The plan to save our country must be drastic and sometimes even painful because we have run out of time and options because of this massive debt. The eventual day that China stops lending us any more money (and it's coming), our bonds will then finally become unattractive to the foreign investor thus causing the value of our dollar to drop so much that it becomes almost worthless, wiping away life savings of the majority of people in this country.
Folks, we will not be able to print ourselves out of this mess anymore, our food prices and many commodities are at an alarming inflammatory rise which will dramatically drown us in a spiraling economic decline with many unsuspecting people having absolutely NO clue that they are about to face an inevitable and fatal disaster.
The question is and should be, do our leaders have the will and the vision to do the unpopular and do what is necessary to save America? I fear not.
Beware America, WE HAVE A "CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER"...............
If I had all the money I ever needed, I would buy my Parents a great big house with many servants. I would give my wife and kids a life of leisure and wealth with a big house and a big yard with a gigantic pool. I would also love a big boat and a lot nice cars. But, here is reality in a nutshell........ I just don't have the money!
The cards were simply not dealt in my direction. I did not win the Lottery nor do I have a six figure salary. I just can't afford it, it's as simple as that.... But what the heck, I can still have all of those things, it's so easy! I'll just charge it on my credit card!
The cards were simply not dealt in my direction. I did not win the Lottery nor do I have a six figure salary. I just can't afford it, it's as simple as that.... But what the heck, I can still have all of those things, it's so easy! I'll just charge it on my credit card!
Unfortunately the temptation will always be there to do really good for myself and my family and with those wonderful credit cards, what ever we want we will get and this...... is where our problem lies.
What happens if you reach your credit limit and can't borrow anymore?
What happens if you lose your job and can't pay what you owe?
Folks, the simple answer is that if we can't pay our bills we will eventually go broke.
We need to act like responsible adults and make the mature decision to live within our means and not spend more than you make. Every family in America should, it's that simple........
But NOOOOO!!!!! Not our federal government! Our current budget deficit and National debt have very serious problems with devastating consequences that are just around the corner. We need to address this now or face an irreversible disaster.
This is no longer about politics of whether you are a Liberal, Moderate or a Conservative, this is about our survival as a nation and our precious way of life. We need to address the national debt head on or we are surely doomed to lose everything that we hold so dear.
Sometimes I wonder if there was ever any serious plan to balance the budget, both parties are responsible for this great boondoggle that we are in and must share in that responsibility of criminal mismanagement and neglect.
There should be no sacred cows, all government agencies have to face the test and show that they are indispensable, all of them!
Social Security:
There have been some ideas in regard to funding the future retirees and somewhere down the line we must change the present system in order to keep it afloat.
1) If you are rich (a millionaire) sorry, this is a national emergency.... you don't get any social security benefits, including Medicaid or Medicare.
2) Some are suggesting to raise the retirement age from age 62 to 67, Mitt Romney suggests seniors 65 and over that would like to continue to work would pay no F.I.C.A. taxes making it attractive for the elderly to continue to work if they desired.

4) We have a moral responsibility as a nation to repay all that will not reap the benefits and that have put their hard earned moneys into Social Security so we should put these owed funds into each individuals safe private retirement account (guaranteed by the U.S. government) insuring a retirement nest of some kind.
We have to not only cut the untouchable big three but we have to cut everywhere else including the un-monitored and sacred defense budget, we have no other choice. We could still have the best military in the world without having the blank check of overspending our precious money with billion dollar projects that simply do not work and it is time that we start dealing with it.
There are many other things we should and could do besides reforming Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, we should try to stimulate the economy by lowering taxes on the businesses that create the jobs, we must not raise taxes on anyone, including the rich (this would hurt job growth) during a recession, one of the other things that we must do is to close all loopholes that allows the many schemers and corporations that take advantage of the system and make them pay their fair share like the rest of us.
Did you know that General Electric paid no taxes?

The plan to save our country must be drastic and sometimes even painful because we have run out of time and options because of this massive debt. The eventual day that China stops lending us any more money (and it's coming), our bonds will then finally become unattractive to the foreign investor thus causing the value of our dollar to drop so much that it becomes almost worthless, wiping away life savings of the majority of people in this country.
Folks, we will not be able to print ourselves out of this mess anymore, our food prices and many commodities are at an alarming inflammatory rise which will dramatically drown us in a spiraling economic decline with many unsuspecting people having absolutely NO clue that they are about to face an inevitable and fatal disaster.
The question is and should be, do our leaders have the will and the vision to do the unpopular and do what is necessary to save America? I fear not.
Beware America, WE HAVE A "CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER"...............
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