They all came in with the promise of change and social justice, Fidel and Raul Castro in Cuba, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Rafael Correa in Ecuador, Evo Morales in Bolivia, Dilma Rousseff in Brazil, Tabaré Vázquez in Uruguay, Cristina Fernandez de Kishner in Argentina and Barrack Hussein Obama in the United States, all Socialists and all in power in our Hemisphere and NONE of them are in a hurry to relinquish their total control. (Obrador lost in Mexico by less than 1% of the vote) Does anyone think we need a border fence?
There is a Socialist wave going around in this entire hemisphere and it continues with President Obama right here in the United States of America............ Folks, the big picture is getting clearer as we wander away from reality, we are fighting for our way of life and most of us can't see it.
Lets call President Obama for what he really is, he is a SOCIALIST! We can try an sugar coat it, even re-label him but.....if it looks like a duck, smells like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck! That old saying is also true with President Obama, the script has been written and they are following it successfully to the letter.
The President of The United States even has the nerve to go on an apology tour around the globe blaming all of the worlds ills on America, shameful !!!!
From imposing an unwanted Universal Health Care system to also being part of this massive Global Warming scam (Cap and Trade) to controlling the air waves (The Fairness Act), and yes that out of control national debt..... it almost seems like they want us to go BANKRUPT !
Maybe they do want to destroy us so that they can rebuild us in their vision of a UTOPIAN SOCIETY, is that not the Socialist model of how to achieve total victory?
These people are right on schedule and it is going to take all of our efforts to stop this out of control train-wreck, one major thing about these Socialists is that once they get power, they will try by all means to keep it (including amending the constitution to achieve those means if necessary).
Excuse my comments if it appears to baffle some of you, but I saw the same conditions and the same things happen in my native land, these people have promised the desperate masses around the world hope and change over and over and have delivered nothing but death and misery time and time again, for this and many other reasons I am afraid for America and for our children's sake and I hope it's not too late..........
There is a Socialist wave going around in this entire hemisphere and it continues with President Obama right here in the United States of America............ Folks, the big picture is getting clearer as we wander away from reality, we are fighting for our way of life and most of us can't see it.
Lets call President Obama for what he really is, he is a SOCIALIST! We can try an sugar coat it, even re-label him but.....if it looks like a duck, smells like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck! That old saying is also true with President Obama, the script has been written and they are following it successfully to the letter.
The President of The United States even has the nerve to go on an apology tour around the globe blaming all of the worlds ills on America, shameful !!!!
From imposing an unwanted Universal Health Care system to also being part of this massive Global Warming scam (Cap and Trade) to controlling the air waves (The Fairness Act), and yes that out of control national debt..... it almost seems like they want us to go BANKRUPT !
Maybe they do want to destroy us so that they can rebuild us in their vision of a UTOPIAN SOCIETY, is that not the Socialist model of how to achieve total victory?
These people are right on schedule and it is going to take all of our efforts to stop this out of control train-wreck, one major thing about these Socialists is that once they get power, they will try by all means to keep it (including amending the constitution to achieve those means if necessary).
Excuse my comments if it appears to baffle some of you, but I saw the same conditions and the same things happen in my native land, these people have promised the desperate masses around the world hope and change over and over and have delivered nothing but death and misery time and time again, for this and many other reasons I am afraid for America and for our children's sake and I hope it's not too late..........
Lets call President Obama for what he really is, he is a SOCIALIST! We can try an sugar coat it, even re-label him but.....if it looks like a duck, smells like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck! That old saying is also true with President Obama, the script has been written and they are following it successfully to the letter.
The President of The United States even has the nerve to go on an apology tour around the globe blaming all of the worlds ills on America, shameful !!!!

Maybe they do want to destroy us so that they can rebuild us in their vision of a UTOPIAN SOCIETY, is that not the Socialist model of how to achieve total victory?
These people are right on schedule and it is going to take all of our efforts to stop this out of control train-wreck, one major thing about these Socialists is that once they get power, they will try by all means to keep it (including amending the constitution to achieve those means if necessary).
Excuse my comments if it appears to baffle some of you, but I saw the same conditions and the same things happen in my native land, these people have promised the desperate masses around the world hope and change over and over and have delivered nothing but death and misery time and time again, for this and many other reasons I am afraid for America and for our children's sake and I hope it's not too late..........
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