Many of us on the other side of the political spectrum have been trying to figure out the LOVE AFFAIR between American Jews and The Democrat Party.
Somebody help me please!
President Barack Hussein Obama in a major policy speech early in his administration, has clearly chosen sides between the Arabs and The Jews by stating "it will be the policy of The United States of America to promote reform in the Middle East," by that he meant that Israel must comply with all Arab demands.
In order to achieve his goal of a "fairer" Middle East, President Obama must sacrifice the security and sovereignty of The Democratic State of Israel in order to show worthiness for his (Not Earned) Nobel Peace Prize.

President Obama got off to a roaring start by disregarding and disrespecting the Jewish State by "urging" (demanding) that "both sides start reconciliation talks, setting Israel's borders that existed before the 1967 war as it's starting point" of any negotiation between these fierce blood enemies.
Not surprisingly Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's angry response was that it was "not going to happen." Netanyahu said that “while Israel is prepared to make generous compromises for peace, it cannot go back to the 1967 lines, because these lines are indefensible, because they don't take into account certain changes that have taken place on the ground, demographic changes that have taken place over the last 44 years.”
In 1967, Netanyahu said, “Israel was all of 9 miles wide -- half the width of the Washington Beltway... So we can't go back to those indefensible lines, and we're going to have to have a long-term military presence along the Jordan.”
Inexplicably, the insults continue......................
There is no respect shown to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in one of their their White House meetings When “Benjamin Netanyahu was left to stew in a White House meeting room for over an hour after President Barack Obama abruptly walked out of tense talks to have supper with his family"................. The Telegraph.
"We continue to emphasize that America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements"....."The time has come to re-launch negotiations without preconditions that address the permanent status issues: security for Israelis and Palestinians, borders, refugees, and Jerusalem." .......... Barack Obama At The United Nations.
“On the other hand, it is also undeniable that the Palestinian people – Muslims and Christians – have suffered in pursuit of a homeland. For more than sixty years they have endured the pain of dislocation. Many wait in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza, and neighboring lands for a life of peace and security that they have never been able to lead. They endure the daily humiliations – large and small – that come with occupation. So let there be no doubt: the situation for the Palestinian people is intolerable. America will not turn our backs on the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own.” ..... Obama's Cairo speech to the Muslim world.... Any thoughts on the hundreds of missiles fired daily at innocent Israeli civilians?
"Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu has embraced the vision of the two-state solution. But easing up on access and movement in the West Bank, in response to credible Palestinian security performance, is not sufficient to prove to the Palestinians that this embrace is sincere. We encourage Israel to continue building momentum toward a comprehensive peace by demonstrating respect for the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinians, stopping settlement activity and addressing the humanitarian needs in Gaza."....... Secretary of State Hillary Clinton - The Telegraph.
"This was an affront, it was an insult but most importantly it undermined this very fragile effort to bring peace to that region. For this announcement to come at that time was very destructive."...... Obama Senior Adviser David Axelrod attacks new Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem - NBC’s Meet the Press
In a telephone call, the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, ordered Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu to reverse a decision to build 1,600 homes for Israeli settlers in occupied East Jerusalem that sparked the diplomatic row. She also instructed him to issue a formal pledge that peace talks would focus on core issues such as the future of Jerusalem and the borders of a Palestinian state.
In addition, the Israeli prime minister was urged to make a substantial confidence-building gesture to the Palestinians. Mrs. Clinton suggested this could take the form of prisoner releases, an easing of the blockade of Gaza and the transfer of greater territory in the West Bank to Palestinian control........... The Telegraph
White House declines Netanyahu request to meet with Obama - The White House's response marks a new low in relations between Netanyahu and Obama, underscored by the fact that this is the first time Netanyahu will visit the U.S. as prime minister without meeting Obama.Source
Somebody help me please!
In order to achieve his goal of a "fairer" Middle East, President Obama must sacrifice the security and sovereignty of The Democratic State of Israel in order to show worthiness for his (Not Earned) Nobel Peace Prize.
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Not surprisingly Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's angry response was that it was "not going to happen." Netanyahu said that “while Israel is prepared to make generous compromises for peace, it cannot go back to the 1967 lines, because these lines are indefensible, because they don't take into account certain changes that have taken place on the ground, demographic changes that have taken place over the last 44 years.”
In 1967, Netanyahu said, “Israel was all of 9 miles wide -- half the width of the Washington Beltway... So we can't go back to those indefensible lines, and we're going to have to have a long-term military presence along the Jordan.”
Inexplicably, the insults continue......................
Inexplicably, the insults continue......................
"We continue to emphasize that America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements"....."The time has come to re-launch negotiations without preconditions that address the permanent status issues: security for Israelis and Palestinians, borders, refugees, and Jerusalem." .......... Barack Obama At The United Nations.
In addition, the Israeli prime minister was urged to make a substantial confidence-building gesture to the Palestinians. Mrs. Clinton suggested this could take the form of prisoner releases, an easing of the blockade of Gaza and the transfer of greater territory in the West Bank to Palestinian control........... The Telegraph
Earlier on Tuesday, Netanyahu launched an unprecedented verbal attack on the U.S. government over its stance on the Iranian nuclear program...."The world tells Israel 'wait, there's still time'. And I say, 'Wait for what? Wait until when?' Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel," Netanyahu told reporters on Tuesday..... The Telegraph
UNREAL…..... Obama Invites Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood President to meet and refuses to meet the Prime Minister of Israel.
Source-Western Journalism
Obama Cuts Military Support to Israel & Receives Near Silence during Speech at Fort Bliss.... U.S. commanders privately revealed the scaling back to their Israeli counterparts more than two months ago. The official explanation was budget restrictions. But the American retreat coincided with growing tensions between the Obama and Netanyahu administrations on Israel’s persistent threats to launch an air strike on Iran....
Obama is caught on live microphone, blasting Israeli PM Netanyahu: On November 3, 2011, President Obama conducted what he thought was a private conversation about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with French President Nicolas Sarkozy where he said “You’re fed up with him (Netanyahu), but I have to deal with him every day!”
White House spokesman Jay Carney likewise refuses to identify Jerusalem as the undisputed capital of Israel:
At a July 26, 2012 press briefing, White House spokesman Jay Carney refused to state directly which city is the capital of Israel.
Obama excludes Israel from counterterrorism group:
On September 20, 2012, Deborah Weiss reported the following in theWashington Times: Despite Israel’s interest in joining the alliance, the GCTF, under the leadership of the Obama administration, has excluded Israel from all participation...
Obama Says Israeli Settlement Policies Are Leading Towards “Near-Total Isolation”: In January 2013, President Obama stated that Israel's expansion of settlements was driving the Jewish state towards “near-total isolation,” adding: “Israel doesn't know what its own interests are.”.....
Obama pressures Israel to apologize to Turkey
Before departing Israel for Jordan on the last leg of his March 2013 trip to the Middle East, President Obama arranged for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to submit to Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's demand for an apology regarding Israel’s interdiction of the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish ship that was part of an anti-Israel activist flotilla attempting to break Israel’s lawful naval blockade of Gaza in 2010. Israel also agreed to pay several million dollars in compensation to the victims’ families.
In early November 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration had began negotiations with Iran (vis a vis the latter's nuclear program) soon after the election.......
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, outraged at the prospect of this agreement with Iran, said: "I understand that the Iranians are walking around very satisfied in Geneva, as well they should be, because they got everything, and paid
Obama and 30 Democrat congressmen boycott Netanyahu's speech in the U.S. Congress.... Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will discuss the threat of a nuclear Iran as the United States negotiates with that country's nuclear program.... source-
President Obama and his buddies deploy his campaign team to defeat Netanyahu. A group titled “One Voice,” funded by American donors, pays for the Obama campaign team, led by Obama 2012 field director Jeremy Bird. The announcement comes days after Speaker of the House John Boehner’s invite to Netanyahu to speak before a joint session of Congress. Obama quickly announced he would not meet with Netanyahu, making the excuse that the meeting would come too close to the election.... From Breitbart
Prime Minister Netanyahu wins his election......But Obama refuses to call him to congratulate him for two days. When he does, he threatens to remove American support in the international community, even as he moves to loosen sanctions and weapons embargoes on Iran..... From Breitbart
Not only did Obama wait 2 days to call the Israeli Prime Minister, but he makes a mind boggling video plea to the Iranian people (who despises their government) and the Ayatollahs, promoting a devastating nuclear deal with Israel's most feared enemy which would allow the Iranians to make nuclear weapons in 10 years. Once again undermining the security and the lives of all Jews in Israel.
What is it going to take for the American Jew to wake up from this nightmarish alliance with people they think are their friends? They don't act very friendly, do they? When is the final insult?
Do they really believe so much in their liberalism that they would allow the great State of Israel be fed to the wolves by their own allies in the Democrat Party?
It's not about who these people step on, it's about how fast can they reach their idealistic socialist goal of global domination........... and if they have to step over one of our fiercest and loyal allies, so be it.
Folks, the far left has made their choice clear. After all of these years of hiding behind their real intentions, they have finally shown their devious hand. They have clearly allied themselves with the Muslim world and the mortal enemies of the state of Israel.
2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said it best, "President Obama has thrown Israel under the bus. He has
disrespected Israel and undermined its ability to negotiate peace. He has also violated a first principle of American foreign policy, which is to stand firm by our friends".
It is time to reflect, and verify all that we, the conservative right have been saying for years and condemn President Obama and the Democrats as traitors to the Jewish cause.
Israel's survival is going to depend on the American Jew, they must stand tall and demand respect not only for themselves here in America but they must demand full and unquestionable support for the only democracy in the Middle East, anything less would open the possibility for yet another Jewish holocaust.
We must learn from the past so that history does not repeat itself, now where have I heard this?
Updated March 20, 2015..............

On September 20, 2012, Deborah Weiss reported the following in theWashington Times: Despite Israel’s interest in joining the alliance, the GCTF, under the leadership of the Obama administration, has excluded Israel from all participation...
President Obama and his buddies deploy his campaign team to defeat Netanyahu. A group titled “One Voice,” funded by American donors, pays for the Obama campaign team, led by Obama 2012 field director Jeremy Bird. The announcement comes days after Speaker of the House John Boehner’s invite to Netanyahu to speak before a joint session of Congress. Obama quickly announced he would not meet with Netanyahu, making the excuse that the meeting would come too close to the election.... From Breitbart
Prime Minister Netanyahu wins his election......But Obama refuses to call him to congratulate him for two days. When he does, he threatens to remove American support in the international community, even as he moves to loosen sanctions and weapons embargoes on Iran..... From Breitbart
Not only did Obama wait 2 days to call the Israeli Prime Minister, but he makes a mind boggling video plea to the Iranian people (who despises their government) and the Ayatollahs, promoting a devastating nuclear deal with Israel's most feared enemy which would allow the Iranians to make nuclear weapons in 10 years. Once again undermining the security and the lives of all Jews in Israel.

It is time to reflect, and verify all that we, the conservative right have been saying for years and condemn President Obama and the Democrats as traitors to the Jewish cause.
Israel's survival is going to depend on the American Jew, they must stand tall and demand respect not only for themselves here in America but they must demand full and unquestionable support for the only democracy in the Middle East, anything less would open the possibility for yet another Jewish holocaust.
Updated March 20, 2015..............
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